Monday, March 29, 2010

DIET ~DAY 3 & DAY 4~

Carb Load Days

According to BM's notes, these are our "carb load" days.  As much as I hope to see a half loaf of french bread on this list, I know I probably won't.  I'm two days in, that's when my Dieting ADD tends to kick in and I figure a few bites of something sweet won't hurt me.  But, you know, it does.  I really want to be healthy, and if you've made it this far I'm betting you do too.  We can do this. We WILL do this!

Shopping List (don't be afraid!)   

  1. Eggs
  2. Coffee
  3. Stevia or Truvia sweetner (are you a Splenda lover like me?  read this and make your own choice Splenda vs. Stevia
  4. Non-Dairy Creamer
  5. Veggies you like to eat (a couple of cups total)
  6. 1% Cottage Cheese
  7.  Apple Sauce
  8. Salad
  9. Olive Oil
  10. Balsamic 
  11. Small Sweet Potato
New Stuff: 
  1. "Meats" 5 oz Chicken Breast, or Ground Turkey. Low Sodium Deli Chicken
  2. Strawberries (1/4 cup
  3. Ezekial bread
Here we go, Ready???

Meal # 1

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 white omelets, 1 slice Ezekiel bread-only.
1 cup coffee, 2 tbls of creamer sweeten as need

Meal # 2             (3 hours after)
Snack:  ½ cup cottage cheese, ¼ cup strawberries

Meal # 3            (2-3 hours after)
Lunch:  4 oz chicken breast, large salad, ¼ cup white rice
(Salad same instructions)

Meal # 4              (3 hours after)
Snack: 3 oz low sodium deli chicken, applesauce

Meal # 5                (3 hours after)

Dinner:  5 oz chicken breast or ground turkey, 3oz sweet potato, or ¼ cup of white rice, 2 cups veggies

*** No desert on carb days****

 Well, how did it go?  How are you feeling?  
Are you getting your cardio in? 
I really have a sugar craving issue. Like, I would lick granulated sugar off of a dog hair covered carpet at this point.


  1. Can you sub brown rice for white? I like it better than white.

  2. FYI, 4 oz of lean meat is about the size of a deck of cards... now this is not the giant cards that clowns play with but the Vegas style!
