Tuesday, March 23, 2010

5 Things I Hate About My D&E ADD

 The Honest Low-Down on a Fat Girl Down. 
A lot of things lead to my weight, and if I can be honest with myself, maybe I can curb this problem now, before it hits a size 18.  Being a Fat Girl Down is a combination of being in the dumps and getting the weight down.  I figure if I can do it, anybody can.  It's a journey to make myself look and feel good, and hopefully to help my body recover and grow after a pretty nasty spinal surgery (I'm pretty sure they scooped out my spine with a dessert spoon.)


5 Things I Hate About My Diet & Exercise ADD 
(though I don't hate myself):

#1 "I'll start tomorrow" syndrome.  As I chug a lug that mocha latte, and lick the cream out of a "manager's special" donut, I always tell myself "this is the last one. I'll start my diet tomorrow." But tomorrow, there's a slice of pinapple upside down cake in the fridge with my name on it.

#2  Delayed Deadline syndrome.  I'm always thinking in fall that I'll lose the weight for my husband's company Holiday Party so I can wear something cute.  As I'm freaking out in the dressing room, finding NOTHING to wear, I tell myself I'll lose it by spring and go to people's weddings in something cute.  May hits and I'm thinking "I have a few months till summer swimsuit time" but then it's fall and I'm back where I started.

#3  I hinted, cajoled, and finally begged my husband for a treadmill for my birthday two years ago.  Then I hardly used it at all (see #1 "I'll start tomorrow" syndrome)

#4 I am too embarrassed to go to the doctor at this weight, so I don't go for check ups.  Well, ever since she tried to tell me some simple diet & exercise tips which could bring my weight down.  I know she meant well, but I worry about this every day, research options, then set a delayed deadline for starting a plan.

#5 Guilty guilterama.  Yeah, I feel guilty being this big.  I know it's not good for me. I want to change it. I want to be in shape and healthy.  I know my burst disk, sciatica, hemi-laminectomy, and spinal stenosis probably imploded due to my tip top weight of 205, at 5'4".  I feel guilty that I'm not strong anymore, that the pain I complain about was likely caused by the whoopie pies I couldn't say no to.

I don't know exactly what the giant secret is to curbing this problem that is causing me to hate my body, I won't say I've tried every diet because I've never stuck to anything I've tried, Slim Fast, South Beach, Hydroxycut...  None of them gave me results fast enough to put down the loaf of french bread I had held to my head.

Pay Attention:
It's time to change...
What I have going for me:

#1  Equipment; A good treadmill, a collection of little barbells I got at a yard sale, a brand new unopened box of resistance bands from Wal-mart, and a brand spanking new pair of Nike running shoes.

#2 A friend who went from fighting junk in the trunk to bikini contests, who is willing to mentor me.  It's a good feeling to know she has successfully navigated her own road, whether it included D&E ADD or not.  I hope she lets me post a bit about her story, the books and things she has found inspirational, OH and I would love to show off her hottie pics!

#3 I am currently unemployed, with no excuse not to spend some time on psychologically whupping this problem.

#4 My little dog, isn't he wierd?  He is spectacularly into walking with me whenever I have the urge.  Not at all like a human partner who may be suffering from the same ADD I am.

#5 A dream.  I have a dream of wearing really cute dresses. Just going right into the shop and finding things that fit me like a glove, like a Marilyn Monroe/Katy Perry/Shania Twain glove.

My mentor has sent me a diet and exercise plan.  These details, along with Q&A will follow.  I am really going to try and stick with it.  I hope you can hop on board too, put in your two cents, and get healthy along with a Fat Girl Down.

And So It Begins



  1. I AM IN!!!!! Looking forward to being the woman I was before kids! I love them but I ruined my body with my first pregnancy and have not been able to fix it after the second. When we get to the size we want I would love to share the before and after pics with all the readers.

  2. Amen Mel Mel! I will be the first to admit I delete pics of me looking like a fat girl. Those pics hit the recycle bin on the computer faster than a Cadbury Egg makes it down my gullet.
