Monday, March 29, 2010


"Dieters, some of whom have tried as many as 20 different diets, reported "tiring of dieting" as a primary reason for stopping a weight loss program" according to

Like, duh. Really, in all honesty, DUH.
So, how are we going to combat this... dieting ADD, this malaise?  How are we going to remind ourselves what we are working for!!!  I mean, 6 months from now I really want to have some pictures taken of me that I don't cringe from.  Don't you?  I want to look pretty and feel good.  

My ideas (please comment and add your own)
  1. Buy a dreamy summer dress and hang it on my bedroom wall where I'll see it every blessed morning.
  2. post a pic out of a magazine of someone who looks healthy and appropriately proportionated (how is that for not saying skinny) on the wall in front of my treadmill, right next to a fat picture of myself, ideally one I've cried over...
  3. I am going to pray. I'm a prayer. I am going to pray for strength of spirit and personal guidance to find the best me I can be. 
 Ok, let's see what Day 6 holds for us!

  1. Eggs
  2. Cottage Cheese
  3. Chicken or Ground Turkey/Deli Chicken or Tuna
  4. Veggies
  5. Salad

New supply: Cucumber

Saturday no carb day, no fat day

Meal # 1
Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet, with ¼ cup of veggies

Meal # 2               (3 hours after)
Snack: ½ cup cottage cheese, with ¼ cup cucumbers
Meal # 3           (3 hours after)
Lunch: 4 oz chicken, 2 servings of veggies

Meal # 4           (3 hours after)
Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs whites, with 2 oz deli chicken, or 2 oz tuna

Meal # 5            (3 hours after)
Dinner: 4 oz chicken or ground turkey, large salad- same instructions

Dessert: Jell-O (same as on earlier days!)

Home stretch of the first week.  Remember, everything you do to help yourself is one less ho ho down your gullet.  Feel up about yourself, not down!  Being a fat girl down WAS about being down on yourself, how long has it been for you cuz it's been a while for me!  But now, Being a fat girl down is about getting the weight down, and the bad self esteem down so that you can be free of both of those weights!  Now, even if you don't see results on your scale, remember, you are doing your body good.  You will see results at some point.  We didn't measure ourselves, we didn't have The Biggest Loser team evaluate us, we are doing this to make our hearts, organs, skin, teeth, every part of our bodies HEALTHY.  

The weight loss will come, and when it does it will be sweet.

Chins up and chests out! 

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