Monday, March 29, 2010


This post area is intended to be a frequently asked question area, which can be updated as each ♥ ? ♥ rolls in, be they my own questions as we get down, or yours, we'll try to answer them together with successful dieters, nutrition information, whatever it takes!

My very first ♥ ? ♥ 
Q.  So, what should I do on the treadmill when?

A. (answered by my bikini mentor) I want you doing everything I did when I first started -I only walked for the 3-4 weeks.  If you can do your cardio in the morning after you wake up- on an empty stomach you burn fat as soon as you step on the treadmill. If you wait to do your cardio in the evening, what happens is the first 20-25 mins is only burning is sugars and carbs, which means you have to work harder and for longer periods of time. Ok, when you are on the treadmill does a workout call speed intervals.  This is going to take fast, then slow, take up and down him start 3.4 speeds at level 5. If you dont have that on your treadmill then look for fat loss. I want you walking 2-3miles a day- that means 10-13 miles week.

Second  ♥ ? ♥ 
Q. Oh, do I drink water before I do cardio or after? I've heard it can bloat your cells or something... Never sure what is good advice and what is bad science?

ANo thats not true!! drink the water all day all night. Start with half gallon (64 oz). You want at least that much. Drinking will only help you to lose more weight!!!   

Third  ♥ ? ♥
Q How much water are we talking about here?  Can I drink other stuff?

A. Please try and drink one gallon of water per day, I don’t expect you to start right away, so start with ½ gallon.  The water is the key to your weight loss; it helps with the skin and flushes all toxins out of the body.
Water does not include tea.  No soda, No crystal light, and use sugar substitutes sparingly. 

Fourth  ♥ ? ♥
 Q.   What about spices and salt? I am a salt-a-holic. I don't care for bland food...

AAvoid extremely salty spices, and condiments. NO SALT, NO SPRAY BUTTER- Any Misses Dash is ok for flavoring foods. Sodium per day must be under 150 mg, any added salts will make you retain water, and make you feel bigger, also weigh more. 

Fifth  ♥ ? ♥
Q. Should I take vitamins or something?
A. Please take 1 multivitamin per day, extra vitamin C, at least 500mg, and Omega daily.   If you cramps in your legs take calcium at night.

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