Monday, April 5, 2010

Milking the Milage

The weather is becoming bearable.  It's time to clock your walk.  Grab a paper and pencil, hop in the mini-van and figure out a few routes near your house.  If you can sneaker up and bound out the door, you are more likely to get your 3-4 miles a day in.  So, decide on your routes and set your odometer to zero in your driveway.  I chose three routes and now I know how far I'm hoofing it.  I'm doing the programs on the treadmill, which tear me up!

If you have a park or trail nearby perhaps a pedometer will help you track your milage.  In fact, here is a web site that gives you fun stuff to do with your pedometer Pedometer Fun

Listen, if you are out of shape, cardio exercise may be a challenge.  I've been on walking/jogging binges before, so I feel qualified to set down a few rules for you to follow.  

♥ ♥ ♥ Three Little Reminders...♥  ♥ ♥
  1. When the going gets tough, remember THE MORE YOU DO THIS THE EASIER IT'S GOING TO GET.  If it feels hard, look forward, pick a sign or landmark that you can make it to.  The next day, try to make it past that, the next day try a speedier walk to it, work your way up to jogging to it.  I promise, if you keep it up there will come a day when your improvement blows your mind (and hopefully knocks your ass right off, right?)
  2. If there are other people around, and you feel weird, nervous or self conscious, remember this is about you.  Screw them. This isn't about them.  You can do this. The sweatier and smellier and beastlier you get the better.  Remember we are working toward hottie level.  This is going to take some grossness. 
  3. If you slip up, that doesn't make you a garbage bag.  It slows your path to your goal, so try not to do it, but a slip up just means you are learning.

I've been walking for a few weeks now and I'm amazed at how much less exhausted and whooped I am.  It's amazing how our bodies can recover from Cadbury Egg and milkshake abuse mixed with ample ass-sitting-on.  I haven't lost a lot of weight, because I haven't worked on a diet till TODAY!  At the same time, my clothes are fitting better around the thigh and waist.  Woot!

I can't wait to see what the diet part does for me and for you!
Kind regards, 

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